Saturday, August 25, 2012

Random Musings of a demented mind

It was a strange cold blue morning.
A small girl, wearing a pink sweater twice her size, was trying to catch the fog. She would jump, close her small fists, hold it tight for two minutes and prayed that the white creature would hold on in her hand. She would then open her fists in an instant, expecting to get amused, just to get disappointed. She repeated the exercise thrice before getting discouraged and confused She could not understand how a thing that is so clearly infront of her and she so desperately wanted was just nothing.

I laughed at the innocence of the girl. How foolish of her? She'll soon grow up and maybe stop being naive. Or maybe she would stop realizing that what she wanted ever was just nothing.

I stopped at a tea shop. Tea is the elixir when you stop feeling your hands. Tea is the elixir when your heart stops feeling the surroundings.

The tea owner was neatly tugged in an untidy brown old shawl with holes in between. I felt it to be pretty ironic. What was the purpose of existence of old shawl? It was supposed to cover the person but with such big holes, its whole purpose was getting defeated.

My mind wandered randomly. Who decided what was the purpose anyways? What is purpose exactly? What is my purpose?

Saab ji chai thandi ho rahi hai. The chai wallah broke my chain of thoughts.
The vapors from tea made me feel normal. Phew,what had happened to me, I thought. Why was I acting insane a moment before?

The school bus had arrived and little girl had left her dreams behind to run after new ones, maybe soon to realize that they would be nothing again.
The chai wallah, undmindful of holes in the shawl, was brimming with joy due to bumper sale and was packing up his stall.
The fog had cleared up. But many things were still foggy in my mind.
It was a strange cold blue morning.

Current Issues:


    Good departure from mushy ones :D


    @anshul- that's my core competency..i really enjoy writing u can expect more mushy ones coming soon :P


    Its great..but where is Gandhinagar in this.

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